Ward's® DNA Extraction of Wheat Germ Lab Activity

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470024-090KT 135.89 CAD
Ward's® DNA Extraction of Wheat Germ Lab Activity
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Procedure Yields Large Amounts of Plant DNA

A knowledge of the properties and characteristics of DNA is crucial to gaining an understanding of molecular genetics and biotechnology. Using a special detergent, alcohol, and other materials, students will perform a series of procedures that will release and precipitate DNA from wheat germ cells where it can be spooled and examined for such properties as viscosity and elasticity. They will then compare the physical properties of the extracted DNA to the included macromolecular solution and note the similarities and differences. The whole procedure can be completed in one class period. You will get materials for 15 setups, a teacher’s guide, and student copymaster. Note: Coupon included for perishable materials. Redeem by mail, fax, phone, or mail.