Plastic Skull with Gunshot Wound

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470030-028EA 725.25 CAD
Plastic Skull with Gunshot Wound
Models Human Biology Models
Illustrates the Differentiation of Entrance and Exit Wounds

Cast from the skull of a 25 year old male, this model shows the characteristic beveling of the bone seen in exit wounds. It also shows the radiating simple linear fracture in the left lateral occipital bone that progresses obliquely and laterally away from the exit wound. The entry wound shows the damage to the orbital plate and may be due to the force of the bullet, the force of gases that were expelled while the gun was pressed against the head, or the violent secondary contact of the brain against the bony ridge caused by the rapid passage of
a projectile through the tissue. The skull also features a removable jaw. Size: 7 1/2"L x 5 1/4"W x 6 1/4"H.