Edmund Scientific's Books and Atlases

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Edmund Scientific's Books and Atlases
Educational Materials Earth Science Educational Materials Astronomy Learning Activities
Essential Celestial Guide for All Astronauts.

Edmund Mag 6 Star Atlas is a practical sky guide, covering all aspects of amateur astronomy, specifically designed for both indoor and outdoor use. This comprehensive book contains detailed data on more than 1,000 celestial objects including multiple stars, variable stars, nebulea and galaxies.

Superbly detailed star charts accurately identify all stars to magnitude 6.2 and hundreds of fainter objects. Richly illustrated with dozens of photos, diagrams & tables. 66 pages.

All About Telescopes has been called "the amateur astronomer's bible," our classic 200-page book is a highly-illustrated and easy-to-understand guide. Contents include: Getting Acquainted with the Telescope; Observing the Sky Show; Photography with your Telescope; Mirror Grinding and Testing; Telescopes you can Build; Telescope Mounts; Collimation and Adjustments; Telescope Optics.

The Edmund Mag 5 Star Atlas is an easy-to-use guide to the night sky lists all stars to magnitude 5.0 down to 60° south declination. Chart scale is 1/8" per degree - perfect for measuring eyepiece field with an ordinary ruler. Includes lists of celestial objects, constellation index, Moon map, sinusoidal projection maps and star lists. Recommended for both the amateur and experienced astronomer. Softcover, 35 pages.