Groundwater Flowmeister Kit

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470100-860KT 125.99 CAD
Groundwater Flowmeister Kit
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 5.5 billion metric tons of hazardous waste were spilled or buried in dumpsites throughout the United States between 1950 and 1975. For this reason (as well as others), the quality of our groundwater is of major concern for hydrologists.
Earth science teacher Timothy Butcher designed this unique groundwater study kit so that students could learn about the basic concepts of groundwater dynamics.
You can also show your students how to build a simulated groundwater system using a clear plastic container and sand, gravel, clay and other materials. Grades 7-12.
Includes: clear container (30 cm x 15 cm x 8 cm), fine sand, pebbles, modeling clay, plastic cup, plastic bottle, red food coloring, spray pump, straws, gauze, rubber hose, plastic smoother and complete instructions.