Hooke's Law Spring Set

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470110-364EA 110.55 CAD
Hooke's Law Spring Set
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Mechanics Learning Activities
Students can gain an understanding of Hooke’s Law and of the significance of the spring constant with this versatile set.

  • Short, Transparent Ruler for Parallax-Free Scale Readings
  • Five Springs with Hooks and Markers
  • Meter Stick Scale with Clamp and Suspension Hook
  • Mass Hanger
  • Set Explores Hooke's Law
The five springs have constants of approximately 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 25 N/m for comparison study. Each is equipped with a lightweight aluminum hook fitted with a sliding position marker for reading length changes. A meter-stick scale is fitted with a suspension hook and clamp for easy setup.

Springs are 1.4—1.9 dia. x 5.2—7.5 cm with 7 cm long hooks. The scale and clamp measure 5.5 x 7 x 100 cm. Additional stiff springs and weak springs are also available separately. The stiff spring constant is 46 N/m, and the elastic limit is 6.6 Kg (3 lb.). The weak spring constant is 1.56 N/m, and the elastic limit is 142 g (5 oz.).




Item # Description No. of Weights Unit Availability Price Quantity
470204-258 Cylinder Weights, 1 mg to 500 mg
12 weights Kit of 12 Retrieving