3B Scientific® ¹/₂ Size Muscular Figures

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1000211 1019231
470119-022EA 7783.1 CAD
470119-022 470112-596
3B Scientific® ¹/₂ Size Muscular Figures
Models Human Biology Models
Ideal Desktop Demonstration

  • Includes 3B Smart Anatomy
These half life-size models are perfect for the classroom study of anatomy. Available with or without organs each of these models is perfect for musculature study. Both have removable muscles at the arm, shoulder, hip and leg, as well as removable belly coverings, and female inserts. The muscle only model is only available as female, the muscle and organ version includes a male insert as well.

The 33-part model reveals internal organs as well as detailed musculature. Enables study of both male and female anatomy with interchangeable reproductive parts. All parts are numbered. Dissectible body parts include a skull cap and brain (two-part), right muscled arm, left muscled arm with shoulder, five arm muscles, eight leg and hip muscles, breast and belly covering, female mammary gland, two lungs, heart with junctions to the major vessels, removable front heart wall (two-part), stomach, liver and gall bladder, whole intestine system with removable appendix flap (two-part), male genital insert (two-part), female genital insert (two-part). Includes key card. Parts are numbered. Torso sits on a base and is removable.

Accessories information: For information about 3B Smart Anatomy, please see the document attached on this page.