Ward's® AP Biology Investigation 4: Cell Processes: Diffusion and Osmosis

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470134-768 470136-678
Ward's® AP Biology Investigation 4: Cell Processes: Diffusion and Osmosis
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials AP Biology Learning Activities
Meets AP Science Practices 2, 4, and 5, and Big Idea 2.

  • Three separate activities to quantitatively measure osmosis and diffusion
  • Save time with well-prepared materials
  • Available for individual student use or class-size kit
Using two different models, students will simulate the movement of water and nutrients across a cell membrane and observe osmosis in living tissue, enabling a clear understanding of the properties of osmosis and diffusion and their role in maintaining homeostasis in the cell. As a result, students will be able to pose their own scientific questions about the selective permeability properties of cell membranes and provide explanation for how cell size and shape affect rates of diffusion. A refill kit is available and contains only consumable component items it does not contain additional student or teacher guides. Note: Due to regulatory issues, Elodea is not included in the new kit.

AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the productionof and does not endorse these products.

Individual student kit contains reduced quantities of materials to perform most activities, but on an individual student basis.

Ordering information: A coupon is included for redemption of perishable materials. Redeem by mail, phone, fax, or email. At times, supply may be limited due to high demand.  Please place your order approximately two weeks in advance.




Item # Description No. of Pages Width Length Supplier No. Pack type Cover Color No. of Lab Groups Unit Availability Price Quantity
470177-378 Phenolphthalein Agar
- - - 880928 Bottle - - Each Retrieving
Case of 6 Retrieving
470150-762 VWR® Lab Notebook, Gridded
100 28.1 cm 21.8 cm HS8610AV - Black - Each Retrieving
Case of 12 Retrieving
470136-678 AP Investigation 4: Osmosis and diffusion refill
- - - - - - 8 Kit of 1 Retrieving