Ward's® AP Biology Investigation 5: Cell Processes: Photosynthesis

Avg. Ratings: 3.5 (2 Reviews)

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470134-770KT 388.65 CAD
470134-770 470136-828
Ward's® AP Biology Investigation 5: Cell Processes: Photosynthesis
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials AP Biology Learning Activities
Meets AP Science Practices 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7

  • Updated illustrated instructions aid comprehension
  • Leaf pigment separation and environmental effects on photosynthetic oxygen production is quantified
  • Available for individual student use or class-size kit
In this investigation, the ability of plants to capture, store, and use energy from light for growth and reproduction is brought to life as students practice basic paper chromatography techniques to visualize pigments present in various plant leaves. Using a floating disk assay, students will investigate the environmental elements that affect the rate of photosynthesis under controlled conditions.

The Only Kits Aligned with AP Science Practices. Ward's AP Biology Investigations provide complete coverage of the Four Big Ideas and Seven Science Practices to help you meet new AP Biology curriculum standards and prepare students for real-world success in college and research-level labs. Each investigation follows a series of three parts, beginning with a structured lab investigation, followed by a related guided inquiry investigation with thoughtful assessment questions, and finally, suggestions to encourage students to formulate their own questions and explore further self-guided experimentation. This complete series of investigations emphasizes the progression to fully student-directed investigations and builds competence in all of the science practices, helping students:
• Practice concept application instead of fact memorization.
• Focus on self-guided experimentation instead of step-by-step lab procedure.
• Investigate real-world concepts with greater curriculum flexibility.
• Apply problem-solving skills to strengthen student inquiry.

AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of and does not endorse these products.

Individual student kit contains reduced quantities of materials to perform most activities, but on an individual student basis.

Accessories information: Refill kits contain only consumable component items and do not contain additional copy masters.




Item # Description No. of Pages Width Length Supplier No. Material Length Tip Style Cover Color Range Length Divisions Background Color Immersion No. of Lab Groups Unit Availability Price Quantity
470018-952 Medium Tip Dissecting Forceps
- - 110 mm (4.5") 141001 Stainless steel 110 mm (4.5") Straight - - 110 mm (4.5") - - - - Box of 50 Retrieving
Each Retrieving
470150-762 VWR® Lab Notebook, Gridded
100 28.1 cm 21.8 cm HS8610AV - 21.8 cm - Black - 21.8 cm - - - - Each Retrieving
Case of 12 Retrieving
470019-654 - - - 305 mm (12") CS110C230FW3S - 305 mm (12") - - −20…+110 °C (0...230 °F) 305 mm (12") 1 °C (2 °F) White Partial (76 mm) - Box of 10 Retrieving
Each Retrieving
470136-828 AP Investigation 5: Photosynthesis refill
Hazardous Product
- - - WARD470136-828 - - - - - - - - - 8 Kit of 1 Retrieving