Planaria Slides

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470176-912 470177-518 470181-552 470181-550
Planaria Slides
Slides Prepared Slides
Investigate triploblastic animals

  • Identifying features clearly distinguishable
  • Rigorous quality control standards
We offer four individual Planaria slides in whole mount and cross section orientation. Subjects are fed various food sources to demonstrate digestive systems. Visit our website for full details.

Ordering information: Planaria (whole mount), hematoxylin; represents the general structures of typical triploblastic animals. Planaria, Carbon-fed (whole mount), Schneider's; digestive system is filled with carbon, making branches and diverticula visible. Planaria, Plain and Carbon-fed (whole mount), Schneider's and hematoxylin; Comparitive slide of both a plain and carbon-fed animal, side by side. Planaria, three regions (cross section), hematoxylin and triosin; Composite, illustrates the triclad gastro vascular cavity of flat worms. Anterior, middle, and posterior regions are represented.