3B Scientific® Birthing Simulators

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470312-000EA 96.35 CAD
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3B Scientific® Birthing Simulators
Models Human Biology Models
The 3B Scientific® Birthing Simulator has been developed for the skill training in normal deliveries, in complicated deliveries and in obstetric emergencies.

  • Enhance the training of delivery skills, following of protocols and reaction in emergency situations
Obstetric simulation has proven successful to enhance the training of delivery skills, following of protocols and reaction in emergency situation.

Assessment and manipulation of fetal positions:
Birthing complications are in general less likely when an abnormal fetal position or presentation can be detected before the labor process starts. When a fetus doesn’t present in a normal position (facing backwards, presenting head first), the correct measures must be applied to assist a complicated delivery with manual maneuvers. Furthermore, medical staff must be trained on when and how to apply obstetric emergency interventions (like a cesarean section).

With the 3B Scientific® Birthing Simulator BASIC you can see how manual maneuvers affect the fetus in-utero and train the following delivery skills and techniques:

Normal vaginal delivery, Normal delivery of umbilical cord and placenta, Palpation and assessment of fetal position and presentation, Diagnosis of all normal and abnormal fetal positions and presentations (like face, neck, or brow) to represent routine and difficult deliveries, Shoulder dystocia demonstration and management, Breech deliveries (including complete, footling or incomplete, and frank breech presentation), Palpation of fetal fontanelles features, Complete and incomplete placenta birth, Demonstration of placenta previa: total, partial, and marginal, Prolapse of umbilical cord, Nuchal umbilical cord, Cesarean delivery through pre-cut incision, Clamping and cutting of umbilical cord, Simulated suctioning of baby’s mouth and nose, Pinard’s maneuver, Mauriceu-Smellie-Veit maneuver, Prague maneuver, Woods maneuver, Rubin.

Upgrading to the PRO version is easy with the convenient upgrade kit allowing for additional training in C-sections and manual diagnosis and manipulation of fetal position.