What's a Microcontroller? Parts Kit

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470227-288KT 82.89 CAD
What's a Microcontroller? Parts Kit
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Electricity/Magnetism Learning Activities
Parts to learn how a microcontroller works.

  • Build simple circuits with schematics and wiring diagrams
  • Write programs in PBASIC to control the circuits
  • Send signals by blinking LEDs
  • Sense contact with pushbuttons
  • Read a dial using a potentiometer
The What's a Microcontroller Parts Kit provides all the electronic components needed to complete the activities in the What's a Microcontroller? text on a BASIC Stamp 2 development board.

If you want to learn to make your own BASIC Stamp inventions, learn how these common components work as you go step-by-step through 40 hands-on activities in the 350-page What’s a Microcontroller? text (available for purchase or as a free download). Side-by-side schematics and wiring diagrams give you confidence in building the circuits with the Parts Kit components on a BASIC Stamp 2 development board, and each example program is followed by a detailed explanation so you learn as you go.

Ordering information: Kit components include Input components: pushbuttons, single-turn potentiometer, phototransistor; Output devices: LEDs, 7-segment display, servo, piezo speaker; and Passive components: resistors, capacitors, jumper wires; Integrated circuits: digital potentiometer, transistor. Required but not included is Board of Education (Serial) or (USB) and a BASIC Stamp 2 module.