BoneClones® Human Female Skull with Shotgun Wounds

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470228-134EA 630.45 CAD
BoneClones® Human Female Skull with Shotgun Wounds
Models Human Biology Models
This human skull displays the trauma inflicted by at least one shotgun round.

  • Contains gaping defect, internal beveling, and subtle scalloping
  • Fractures radiate from both defects
  • Traumas inflicted by at least one shotgun round
This skull contains one gaping defect on the occiput involving the lambda; internal beveling is palpable along the edges of the wound. The second defect is along the sagittal suture just below the coronal suture; subtle scalloping is along the edges of this defect, and shallow internal beveling is palpable. Fractures radiate from both defects. It's not possible to definitively state whether these are entry and exit wounds of one shot or the result of two shotgun blasts.

Ordering information: The osteological evaluation report (PDF) will be sent with the purchase of this specimen.