Teacher Geek Air Racer

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1824-66 1824-76
470229-074KT 18.65 CAD
470229-074 470229-076
Teacher Geek Air Racer
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials TeacherGeek System Components
Power your creation with wind.

  • Utilize the design and engineering process
  • Encourage creativity, critical thinking and problem solving
  • Learn about electricity, blade angle, and propeller design
  • Apply the scientific method
  • Innovate (design, build and evolve your own unique design)
Send this racer flying with an electric motor and propeller. Design it for speed by designing the frame and propeller blades. Learn through experimentation. Evolve it using the Design and Engineering Process. This activity requires materials from the recycling bin to create the propeller blades.

Ordering information: Required but not included are Multicutter, reamer, AA batteries, screw driver, and recycled material for blades.