Nitric Acid

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NN0275-500ML NN0276-2.5LR NN0275-1L NN0269-500ML NN0277-1L NN0276-500MLR NN0280-500ML
470301-539EA 152.89 CAD
470301-539 470301-886 470301-537 470301-888 470045-594 470301-884 470301-540
Nitric Acid
Chemicals for Science Education
CAS Number: 7697-37-2
Formula: HNO3
Density: 1.37—1.42 g/mL
Boiling and Freezing Point: 120 to 122 °C, -22 to -41°C
Solubility: Miscible with Water
Synonyms: Azotic Acid
Shelf Life: 12 Months

Note: The chemical specifications for some items on this product page may differ from the specifications listed above. For more information, consult the Safety Data Sheet or contact your Ward's representative.

Delivery information: This product is designed for educational and teaching laboratories, and no certificate of analysis is available.

Caution: This product is a corrosive and toxic oxidizer.




This disposal method is published for your convenience. You MUST have checked with your federal, state, and local regulations before using this method and these methods are only applicable for small laboratory sized quantities.

Use a lab apron, chemical resistant gloves and goggles before following the below method to dispose of hazardous waste.

 1. Add the acid to a large volume of water. The final concentration of the acid must be less than 1 M.
  a. Remember to always add acid to water.
 2. Slowly add sodium carbonate to the acid. Stir. Carbon dioxide gas will be produced.
  a. Neutralization is complete when carbon dioxide is no longer being produced.
 3. Pour the final solution down the drain with at least a 20-fold excess of water.