
Ratings: (No Reviews)

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NN0231-500ML NN0230-500ML NN0220-5G NN0220-10GR NN0220-5G
470301-876EA 47.85 CAD
470301-876 470301-878 470301-874 470108-998 470301-880
Chemicals for Science Education
CAS Number: 485-47-2
Formula Weight: 178-14
Formula: C9H4O3·H2O
Hazard Info: Toxic, Irritant
Solubility: Water and Alcohol
Synonyms: 1,2,3-Indantrione Monohydrate
Shelf Life (months): 36
Storage: Green

Note: The chemical specifications for some items on this product page may differ from the specifications listed above. For more information, consult the Safety Data Sheet or contact your Ward's representative.

Delivery information: This product is designed for educational and teaching laboratories, and no certificate of analysis is available.




This disposal method is published for your convenience. You MUST have checked with your federal, state, and local regulations before using this method and these methods are only applicable for small laboratory sized quantities.

This material can only be disposed properly by a licensed hazardous waste disposal firm. Check to see if your school or district has an established relationship with a disposal firm and if not, check with a local college/university or other high schools in the area to see who they use to dispose of their hazardous waste.

Solution Prep

To prepare a ninhydrin solution, use a 0.5% alcoholic solution. Add 0.5 g of ninhydrin to 75 ml of n-butyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. Heat gently until all the solid is dissolved. Alcohols are a fire risk, so be careful. Dilute to a final volume of 100 ml with the chosen alcohol.