Stem Investigations: Design a Water Filter

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470315-142KT 111.5 CAD
Stem Investigations: Design a Water Filter
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
How is the water that comes out of our faucets made safe for consumption?

  • Aligned to NGSS
Students will learn about the processes performed at water treatment facilities, and then engineer their own small scale filtration plant. Once they design their filtering system, they will observe and evaluate the quality of the water they produce. Kit contains enough materials for 15 groups of students. Teacher's Manual and Student Study Guide copymasters are included. Kit Includes: 1500 g fine sand, 1500 g gravel, 300 g activated charcoal, 5 ml green food coloring, 25 ml white vinegar, 30 coffee filters, 1 bag cotton balls, 75 plastic cups.