Radiation Can Set, Two identical sized screw cap metal cans (one smooth metal and other painted dull black) to demonstrate the difference in cooling rates of hot water inside the cans due to different surfaces, cooling rates attributed to thermal radiation emitted by the two cans
Bar Breaking Apparatus, Comprising A Heavy Cast Iron Frame 340 X 120 X 100 mm With Slotted End Pillars To Carry A Stout Iron Bar, To Show The Forces Which Can Be Exerted During Thermal Expansion Or Contraction, The Bar Is Threaded At One End For A Large Tensioning Nut
Kit, Stem Investigations: Make Your Own Liquid Crystal Thermometer, Includes: 5 g Cholesteryl Oleyl Carbonate, 5 g Cholesteryl Pelargonate, 5 g Cholesteryl Benzoate, 8 Dram Vials with Caps, 90 Clear Labels, 8 Plastic Forceps, 16Black Index Card, 4inx 6in, for 8 groups, Teacher's Manual included
Steam Generator, Thick-Walled, Aluminium Can With Nozzle For Steam Outlet. Two Rubber Stoppers - One Solid And The Other With A Hole For A Thermometer, A Tripod Stand And One Sample Cup With Handle.
Convection Of Gas Apparatus, Small, Ventilation Apparatus, Smaller Sized To Fit In Any Classroom Than Standard Convection Of Gas Apparatus, Comprised Of A Metal Box 4inX6inX4in With A Sliding Front Door, Two Glass Chimneys And A Candle Holder.
Set Of Specific Heat Cylinders - Equal In Mass, Copper, Lead, Brass, Zinc, Iron, And Aluminium Cylinders Vary In Length From 5 Cm To 19 Cm, All Are Approximately 100G, Cylinders Are Drilled For Suspension
Stirling Generator, Fully-assembled. Dimensions: 7L x 3.5W x 3.5H inch. Includes spare cylinders (1 each), crankshaft pin, cylinder o-ring, and allen wrenches for removing damaged cylinders. Alcohol not included. Features a secured fuel source in a recessed well on wooden base.