Centre of Gravity Kit, Weight (lb): 1.2, 14.6, x 5.9, x 1.6in Consists of one support, 5 plumb lines, 1 roll of tape, 5 figures (triangle, L, trapezoid, parallelogram, parallelopiped), helps students in individual research of the center of gravity of a flat body
Boyleft s Law Apparatus, To demonstrate the relationship between pressure and volume of gas. Consists of a 29 mm diameter graduated cylinder with a piston and a screw valve, 60mm manometer scale is from -1000 to 3000 hPa with 50
Tube speed of the bubble, 30 per case, A bubble in each tube rises at a constant speed that depends on the type of fluid, the angle at which the tube is inclined, and to some extent, the temperature.This set provides students with practice setting up experiments and graphing data.
Manometer without Stopcock, to highlight the variation of pressure in a liquid with depth. It consists of a pressure capsule of 35 mm placed in a bent steel tube, measured by a pressure gauge mounted on a graduated support. Includes beaker
Free Fall Apparatus Economy, for determination of the gravitational constant ft gft, This kit has a wooden base, 1.1m rod and a movable electro magnet, can be moved anywhere on the rod, when the ball is released the timer is triggered and stopped one the ball his landed on the base
Pascalft s Law Apparatus, Weight: 3.3lb, Length: 13.0in, Width: 8.7in, Height: 9.4in, Consists of a moulded plastic base into top of which may be screwed one of a set of four vases of differing shape & a movable index on vertical rod enables the height of water