Practi-Atropine* I.V. Code Med (for training), pre-filled luer lock syringe is for clinical training only. Practi-Atropine simulates the cholingeric blocking agent, atropine sulfate, Size: (0.1 mg/mL) in 10 mL
Practi-Calcium Chloride* I.V. Code Med (for training) 10%, pre-filled luer lock syringe is for clinical training only, Practi-Calcium Chloride simulates calcium chloride, a calcium salt and electrolyte agent, Size: 10 mL
Practi-Epinephrine* I.V. Code Med (for training) 1:10,000, 10 mL pre-filled luer lock syringe is for clinical training only, Practi-Epinephrine simulates the direct acting sympathomimetic drug, Size: 0.1 mg/mL
racti-Lidocaine* I.V. Code Med (for training) 2%, 5 mL prefilled luer lock syringe is for clinical training only, Practi-Lidocaine simulates the antiarrhythmic class 1B drug, lidocaine hydrochloride, Size: 100 mg/5mL
Practi-Adenosine* 2 mL I.V. Code Med (for training), pre-filled luer lock syringe for clinical training only, Practi-Adenosine simulates antiarrhythmic agent, adenosine, a code drug for the treatment, Size: 6 mg/2mL
Practi-Mini Math* CD module, adjunct to Practi-Mini Vial, Practi-Mini Tint Vial, and nine accompanying Practi-Peel-N-Stick Labels, educator a unique blend of classroom study, testing, and assessment using more than 200 clinical questions and answers
Practi-Tuberculin PPD Teaching Module*, Includes: Implications of TB exposure, A step-by-step guide for administering intradermal PPD injections, Q and A with dosage calculations, CD format, by educators to promote student-hands-on experience assessment
Practi-Math CD 3-Pack*, includes Practi-Mini Math, Practi-Go Figure and Practi-Calcul8 CD Modles, written by nurse educators to accompany our exclusive Practi-Product line for nursing skills, medical assisting, pharmacy tech, paramedic, For simulation practice
Practi-Go Figure* CD module, Includes: series of drug labels for reading and interpretation, Realistic written physician orders, hallenging scenarios for assessing individual patients, Critical thinking, Integrated knowledge in anticipating, evaluating drug results
Practi-Lanox Teaching Module*, for nursing skills lab, pharmacy tech lab, or clinical simulation, CD format, Includes: Fully illustrated instructional guidelines, Patient case studies with physicians' orders, MAR worksheets, Ten clinical calculation questions,
Practi-Super CD 12-Pack*, build mathematical and critical thinking skills, Includes: three math CD's - Practi-Mini Math, Practi-Go Figure, Practi-Calcul8 CD Modles AND all nine of the product specific teaching modules, written by nurse educators to accompany exclusive
Practi-Insulin Teaching Module*, CD format, Includes: types of diabetes and its treatment, Four patient case studies requiring student assessment and evaluation, MAR worksheets, Syringe illustrations, Competency skill checklist, Multiple blank I.V. Solution sticker
Practi-Hepatitis B Teaching Module*, CD format, for nursing skills lab, pharmacy tech lab, or clinical simulation center, Includes: Overview of Hepatitis B, Risks for Infection and Diagnosis, Patient case studies, Twenty-five Q and A for calculating dosages