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You Searched For: Chemistry+Educational+Materials

194  results were found

Pegmatitie 800-962-2660 Pegmatite Type: Igneous; intrusive. Texture/Appearance: Very coarse-grained, marked by intergrowth of large (up to 1 cm) crystals. In some instances, individual crystals may grow up to several feet. Color: Varies; mostly l...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Pumice Type: Igneous; extrusive (pyroclastic). Texture/Appearance: Glassy, vesicular, foamy, frothy. Very light-weight with numerous vacuoles (some varieties float in water). A natural glass froth in which the...

Rhyolite 800-962-2660 Rhyolite Type: Igneous; extrusive. Texture/Appearance: Fine-grained, cryptocrystalline (and glassy) to microcrystalline; often porphyritic. May show flow banding. Color: Light colored; pink, gray, and purple. Mineralogy/Ch...

Marble 800-962-2660 Marble Type: Metamorphic; regional and contact. Texture/Appearance: Fine to coarse-grained; granoblastic to saccharoidal. May appear patched or with streaks or banding that is deformed. Color: Variable, commonly white, pin...


+ward’ssciencewardsci.com800-962-2660 Shale Type: Sedimentary; clastic. Texture/Appearance: Very fine-grained (clay to silt-sized particles) grains not distinguishable to the naked eye. A relatively soft rock with fine laminae; may display carbona...

Gr 2 temp probe

Heat It Up, Cool It Down Grade 2: Temperature Probe Aligned with National Standards Call WARD’S at 1-800-962-2660 for Technical Assistance Page 2 Demonstrate the effect of temperature on changes in matter caused by heating and cooling. This inquir...

grade 1 temperature probe-final

Ants Go Marching Grade 1: Temperature Probe Aligned with National Standards Call WARD’S at 1-800-962-2660 for Technical Assistance Page 2 In this inquiry based activity, students will observe and record the effects of temperature on the behavior o...

force probe K

Push or Pull? Grade K: Force Probe Aligned with National Standards Call WARD’S at 1-800-962-2660 for Technical Assistance Page 2 Students use forces constantly in their day-to-day lives. A force is simply a push or a pull on an object. In this act...

ALL KS Permit P526P 17 01784 20190423

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 33...

ALL UT Permit P526P 17 01182 20190408

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 33...

ALL MI Permit P526P 17 00934 20190423

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 33...

ALL OR Permit P526P 17 01230 20190423

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 33...

ALL OH Permit P526P 17 01042 20190408

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 33...

ALL IA Permit P526P 17 00901 20190423

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 33...

ALL MD Permit P526P 17 01228 20190408

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 33...

ALL GA Permit P526P 17 00891 20190408

United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection & Quarantine 4700 River Road Riverdale, MD 20737 Permit to Move Live Plant Pests, Noxious Weeds, and Soil Interstate Movement Regulated by 7 CFR 33...
113 - 128 of 194