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You Searched For: Desktop Calculators

56  results were found


Calculator VWR offers a wide assortment of products and brands in this category. If you cannot find the product or brand that you are looking for in this listing please use the general search field in the top-left corner of the screen to search th...

Analytical Chemistry Measurement Tools & Lab Supplies

Analytical Chemistry Measurement Tools Avantor Physical Measurement Compounds and the materials in them can be identified by measuring their physical structure refractive index melting point or other characteristics. Avantor offers a complete line...

Browser Compatibility

Browser Compatibility is optimized for Internet Explorer 9 or later. If you’re having trouble viewing our website or using our shopping tools you may need to upgrade your browser. If you have Internet Explorer 8 or older you will not re...

3D Printing

3D Printing What is 3D Printing? 3D printing also called additive manufacturing is a process used to build a solid object based on an electronic design. How Do 3D Printers Work? Most desktop 3D printer models use a thin filament that is fed throug...

What is 3D Printing?

What is 3D Printing? What is 3D Printing? 3D printing also called additive manufacturing is a process used to build a solid object based on an electronic design. How Do 3D Printers Work? Most desktop 3D printer models use a thin filament that is f...

Electrochemistry Applications, Equipment & Accessories

Electrochemistry Equipment Avantor Electrochemistry Avantor has a comprehensive assortment of meters probes accessories and chemicals that analysts in your lab need to measure pH conductivity or perform titrations using electrochemical techniques....

Electrochemistry Applications, Equipment & Accessories

Electrochemistry Equipment Avantor Electrochemistry Avantor has a comprehensive assortment of meters probes accessories and chemicals that analysts in your lab need to measure pH conductivity or perform titrations using electrochemical techniques....

Browser Compatibility

Browser Compatibility is optimized for Internet Explorer 9 or later. If you're having trouble viewing our website or using our shopping tools you may need to upgrade your browser. If you have Internet Explorer 8 or older you will not recei...

Integration with Biotech Customer Meets Bulk and Specialty Solution Requests

Integration with Biotech Customer Meets Bulk and Specialty Solution Requests Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge When a company’s ability to succeed relies on your ability to meet concept-to-mark...

Common unit converters

Common unit converters Unit conversion is the process of converting a quantity expressed in one unit to another. This is done with conversion factors—multipliers that express the relationship between the original unit and the desired unit. For exa...

~~PowerPoint Presentation~~

PowerPoint Presentation PV92 PCR Informatics Kit: Where did you get those GENES? Chromosome 16: PV92 PCR Informatics Kit Instructors Stan Hitomi Coordinator – Math & Science San Ramon Valley Unified School District Danville CA Kirk Brown Lead Inst...

36083 LabSet-Up-Guide Instru Checklists

☐ Balances Analytical Ergoclips Industrial Micro Moisture Analyzers Spatulas/Scoops Top-Loading Weigh Dishes ☐ Calculators ☐ Calorimeters ☐ Clocks ☐ Colorimeters ☐ Data Loggers Central Monitoring Systems Portable Temperature ☐ Digital Burettes ☐ E...

Kjeldahl Analysis

Kjeldahl Analysis Kjeldahl nitrogen determinations are performed on a variety of food substances. The Kjeldahl method may be broken down into three main steps: digestion distillation and titration. 1. Digestion: is accomplished by boiling a homoge...

Wet Lab

Wet Lab A complete line of products from VWR is available for the analytical lab including laboratory glassware plasticware filter paper fume hoods laboratory furniture laboratory hot plates and hot plate/stirrers. Some of the manufacturers we rep...

LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts

LC Method translations and transfers: Do's & Don'ts Webinar Tuesday January 24 2023 09:00 to 10:00 EDT Replay Do you want to achieve the same chromatography in a shorter timeframe? Ever wondered why your method looks different on a different LC sy...

CASE Purchasing Manuals

CASE Purchasing Manuals Save Time with CASE Purchasing Manuals Get the materials you need for CASE...all in one place! Our exclusive pre-built CASE Purchasing Manuals are aligned specifically to seven core subject areas in the CASE curriculum comp...
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