EMF Meter, Sper Scientific

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97035-938EA 258.79 CAD
EMF Meter, Sper Scientific
Electromagnetic Field Meters
Measures electromagnetic field emissions from electrical power lines and transmission equipment, computer, HVAC, audio/video, and other electrical appliances and equipment.

While the evidence of the carcinogenic effect of such electromagnetic emissions is still inconclusive, prudent avoidance is recommended to avoid excess exposure over long periods of time. Reads milli-Gauss and micro-Tesla on a large 1¼" high display. The EMF Meter's display indicates when the object being measured is out of range as well as when the battery is low. Features both standard and maximum hold. Powered by a standard 9V battery lasting approximately 100 hours. This Electro Magnetic Field Meter comes with battery, instructions, and a soft carrying case. Display is green but not backlit.

Certifications: N.I.S.T. traceable certificate of compliance for 97035-940.

Ordering information: 5 yr. warranty.