3B Scientific® Flexible Spine With Femurs Heads

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1000122 1000123
470118-922EA 392.1 CAD
470118-922 470118-924
3B Scientific® Flexible Spine With Femurs Heads
Models Human Biology Models
Our most popular spine for patient education is also our most affordable spine model. This spine model is fully flexible and designed for hands-on demonstrations.

  • Includes 3B smart anatomy
The spine contains these features: Full pelvis and occipital plate, fully flexible mounting, L3-L4 disc prolapsed, spinal nerve exits, cervical vertebral artery, male pelvis, movable mounted femur heads.

The Painted Version has all the same features as the above, with the addition of Painted muscle origins and insertions on the right side.

Accessories information: A stand is not included with this model and can be purchased separately. For information about 3B smart anatomy, please see the document attached on this page.