3B Scientific® BONElike™ Vertebrae Sets

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1000155 1000021 1000156
470118-986EA 537.2 CAD
470118-986 470118-988 470118-990
3B Scientific® BONElike™ Vertebrae Sets
Models Human Biology Models
This set is a worldwide unique original anatomical replica of a human vertebrae with the most precise illustration of even the finest anatomic structures of the vertebrae, exhibiting excellent quality.

  • Includes 3B smart anatomy
These vertebrae are excellent to use as a substitute for real bones for medical teaching purposes and patient consultation. The vertebrae set includes the 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertebrae. Each vertebra is labeled for identification purposes (C1-7, T1-12 and L1-5).

The anatomical replica is supplied in a transport and storage case with individual compartments for all 24 vertebrae. Sets of individual regions are supplied in a contoured base.

Accessories information: For information about 3B smart anatomy, please see the document attached on this page.