Advanced Birthing Training
- Normal vaginal delivery
- C-section delivery
- Intrauterine manipulation
- Prolapse of umbilical cord
- Demonstration of placenta previa: total, partial, and marginal
- Life-size pelvic cavity with major anatomic landmarks
This versatile birthing simulator features the pelvic cavity with major anatomical landmarks and painted outline of bony pelvis. The birthing simulator allows intra-uterine manipulation and various training possibilities for prenatal, intra-partum, and postpartum skills as follows: Fetal palpation of fontanelles, backbone, knees, and elbows, Vertex presentation, Normal vaginal delivery, C-section delivery, Vertex and breech presentations in multiple delivery, Ritgen's maneuver, Normal delivery of umbilical cord and placenta. Birthing simulator supplied with 2 stomach covers (skin-tone/transparent), 1 male and 1 female fetus with placenta, 5 umbilical cords, 2 umbilical clamps, talcum powder and carrying bag. The birthing simulator is a great tool for teaching the labor and human birth process.