Gaumard® Infant Care Manikin

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1005804 1005795
470119-296EA 1878.99 CAD
470119-296 470119-294
Gaumard® Infant Care Manikin
Models Human Biology Models
High Quality Pediatric Care Simulator

  • Soft, childlike face skin
  • Self-molded hair
  • Eyes open and close in realistic eye sockets for ophthalmic procedures
  • Fully articulating head and jaw with teeth and tongue
This manikin simulates a one-year old infant with rotatable arms and legs (jointed elbows and knees) and articulating head. It allows training of basic and advanced pediatric patient care procedures such as: Bandaging, Ophthalmic exercises, Oral and dental hygiene (articulating jaw with teeth and tongue), Tube feeding, NG and OG, and gastric suction, I.M.. injection (upper thighs), Tracheotomy care, Male and female catheterization, Enema administration. With the addition of the IV Arm Injections and finger pricks can be practiced.

Supplied with T-Shirt, shorts, neck brace and carrying bag.

Features include:
Soft, childlike face skin
Self molded hair
Eyes open and close in realistic eye sockets for ophthalmic procedures
Fully articulating head and jaw with teeth and tongue
NG and optic exercises
Bends at waist
Jointed elbows, wrists, knees and ankles
Realistic hands, feet, fingers, and toes
Soft upper body skin over hard upper body for realistic feel
Detachable at waist for easy storage