Dynamic Cart Apparatus

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470164-004PR 319 CAD
470164-004 470164-008
Dynamic Cart Apparatus
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Mechanics Learning Activities
A dynamic cart system that you pick the parts you need.

  • The track, carts and accessories are all sold separatly so you only need to order what you require
The ~600 gram carts come as a pair and are made if aluminum and come with two 100 gra slotted masses. The plunger and velcro allow for elastic and inelastic experiments to be performed. Each cart is 155 x 77 x 55 mm. Wheels are made from PVC and are very low friction. It includes a clamping screw on the end to attach a ticker tape or thread. The track is made of stainless steel and is 119.5 x 10 cm in dimensions. The pulley on the end is plastic and is designed to work with the dynamics cart above. The included scale is graduated from 0 to 115 cm in mm increments. The accessories for the dynamics cart are four picket fences. The socket size is 4 mm and fits into the dynamics cart.