VACUETTE® Safety Blood Collection Set with Blood Culture Holder, Greiner Bio-One

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450184 450185
10017-804CS 821.84 CAD
10017-804 10017-806
VACUETTE® Safety Blood Collection Set with Blood Culture Holder, Greiner Bio-One
Clinical Diagnostic Supplies Clinical Sample Collection/Preparation Blood Sample Collection/Preparation
The VACUETTE® Safety Blood Collection Set with Blood Culture Holder is used in routine venipuncture procedures.

  • Non-DEHP device
  • No components made of natural rubber latex
  • Sterile, winged blood collection needles bonded to flexible tubing
The winged needle of the Safety Blood Collection Set is designed with a safety shield, which can be activated to cover the needle immediately following blood collection to aid in the protection against accidental needlestick injury

The VACUETTE® Safety Blood Collection Set with Blood Culture Holder includes single-use, sterile, winged blood collection needles bonded to flexible tubing with a pre-attached Blood Culture Holder. The design of the holder allows collection of blood into blood culture bottles and VACUETTE® Blood Collection Tubes. This device is non-DEHP and has no components made of natural rubber latex.

The Blood Culture Holder is used to fill blood into blood culture bottles and tubes.