Ward's® Vehicle Kit

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470218-422KT 300.65 CAD
Ward's® Vehicle Kit
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Apply the hands on Science of Energy, Motion, and Friction.

  • Open Inquiry activity into motion
  • Simple to use guide
With this STEM-based project kit that meets Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), students will design and build cutting edge vehicles to investigate stored energy from sources such as a rubber bands or mousetraps. The kit components include wood chassis, mousetraps, braking systems, and several types of wheels and gears. This allows students to develop a greater number of solutions and apply real-world problem solving skills to create innovative designs. Students can create and innovate to determine which designs allow the racer to go the farthest or fastest on an incline, and identify which designs best pull loads or easily handle obstacles. Each kit includes components for up to eight students.

The Accessory Kit (sold separately) is available to explore solar and electrical power as alternative sources.




Item # Description Supplier No. Unit Availability Price Quantity
470218-424 Ward's Science Vehicle Accessory Kit
WARD470218-424 Kit of 1 Retrieving
Pallet of 80 Retrieving