Document Analysis: Comprehensive Lab Activities

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IS9017 IS9017-REF
470219-090EA 368.75 CAD
470219-090 470219-092
Document Analysis: Comprehensive Lab Activities
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Intro to Science Learning Activities
This kit has been designed to introduce students to the field of document analysis. Experiments in this kit cover the areas of paper analysis, hand writing analysis, detection of a forgery, recovery of mechanical/chemical erasures, hidden message discovery and ink analysis. Students will make use of techniques like microscopy, chromatography and fuming to complete the activities. Kit contains 10 unique sets of materials for 10 groups. Teacher’s Manual and Student Study Guide copymasters are included.

  • Kit contains 10 unique sets of materials for 10 groups
  • Teacher’s Manual and Student Study Guide copymasters are included
Experiments in this kit cover the areas of paper analysis, hand writing analysis, detection of a forgery, recovery of mechanical/chemical erasures, hidden message discovery and ink analysis. Students will make use of techniques like microscopy, chromatography and fuming to complete the activities.