Brain Bot Stem Set

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470218-708EA 432.79 CAD
Brain Bot Stem Set
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Applied Physics Learning Activities
The BotBrain system features hands-on robotics.

  • Challenge-Based Curriculum
  • National Science and Technology Standards Addressed
  • Neaten Stem Standards Addressed
  • Analytical Thinking Encouraged
  • Kit Meets Requirements for Scouts Robotics Badge
The BotBrain system features a challenge-based curriculum to teach problem solving and critical thinking. It is a serious learning tool for science and engineering that mirrors real engineering project with deadlines, limited resources, and detailed specifications.

Students work in collaborative groups and use technology. One STEM kit supports one to three students.

Ordering information: The entry-level STEM Kit consists of a curriculum, a BotBrain Microprocessor Board, sensors, actuators, a set of Merkur mechanical parts, and assembly tools.