Merit™ Crile Forceps, Physician Grade, Sklar

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97-458 97-463 97-447 97-452
10184-806EA 48.66 CAD
10184-806 10184-808 10192-468 10193-696
Merit™ Crile Forceps, Physician Grade, Sklar
Merit™ Crile Hemostatic Forceps, also known as a Crile Hemostat, are used for clamping blood vessels or tissue before cauterization or ligation.

Horizontal serrations the entire length of the jaw, and jaws half the length of the shank make this instrument unique. They may also be used for soft tissue dissection typically no deeper than 6-8" or in laparotomy procedures.

Merit™ instruments are office-grade line of products and used for routine and in-office procedures. These high quality instruments are crafted from Pakistan steel and come with a 10 year guarantee.