Science Take-Out® Breast Cancer Risk: Genes And The Environment

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470219-850EA 34.05 CAD
470219-850 470219-852 470219-854 470219-851
Science Take-Out® Breast Cancer Risk: Genes And The Environment
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Physiology and Health Learning Activities
Explore Genetic And Environmental Risk Factors For Breast Cancer.

  • Available As A Single Kit With Materials For 1 Student Or Group
  • Unassembled 10 Pack For Additional Savings
  • No Additional Equipment Needed
An individual’s risk of developing breast cancer is influenced by a number of factors such as specific genes, lifestyle choices, hormonal factors, and environmental exposures. Analyze a family's pedigree for the occurrence of breast cancer. Conduct simulated DNA testing for the BRCA1 gene. Complete a survey on risk factors associated with breast cancer and then analyze the survey responses based on a "Breast Cancer Risks" factsheet. Analyze data from an experiment indicating that environmental exposures during childhood (before puberty) may increase risks of breast cancer. Use beads to model effects of DDT insecticide exposure before puberty and after puberty. This complete experiment setup contains all materials and does not require lab equipment.