Ward's® Brain Model

Avg. Ratings: 5.0 (1 Review)

Total Ratings: 1
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Education / Professor / London, Canada
Yes, I recommend
As a neuroscientist and teacher of neuroscience, I can verify that this is a really good brain model. Many commercial brain models are atrociously inaccurate; however, this one was cast from a real human brain and thus is as realistic as one can get with a model. I often use it for teaching my graduate students and postdoctoral fellows how to find landmarks, especially cortical sulci and gyri, for human (f)MRI with a realistic brain. While not cheap, it costs less than many advanced brain models. The plastic smells a bit funky though. It only pulls apart into two hemispheres so internal structures can't be seen. While too expensive for casual use, it's a worthwhile investment for neuroscience researchers and teachers.
BOREAL.com associate Published 01/26/2018
Thank you for the wonderful feedback!
470029-586EA 624.1 CAD
Ward's® Brain Model
Models Human Biology Models
Cast From An Actual Human Specimen.

  • Highly Durable Rubberized Material
  • Common Dissection Organs Highlighted
  • Easily Cleaned And Stored
We offer the most accurate model available, with a realism that can't be matched by a sculpted model. Our Life-size brain model is cast from a real human brain, displaying over 75 anatomical details, including all the cranial nerves. In addition, it is bisected to display all the major interior structures.