Effectiveness of Sunscreen

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Effectiveness of Sunscreen
Educational Materials Environmental Educational Materials Environmental Learning Activities
This activity illustrates the importance sunscreen use.

  • For Use with NeuLog Logger Sensors
  • Students See the Importance of Using Sunscreen
  • Kit Provides Microscope Slides and SPF 15 and 30
  • Teacher's Guide and Student Copy Master Included
Electromagnetic radiation in the UV range of the spectrum cannot be perceived by the human eye. Using the NeuLog UVB sensor specifically designed to measure UVB radiation, users compare the amount of UVB radiation reaching the sensor.

The sensor is covered by both SPF 15 and SPF 30 sunscreens to determine if the sunscreens actually provide UVB protection, and if so, how much protection. 

Ordering information: This kit includes SPF 15 and SPF 30, microscope slides, a teacher's guide, and a student copy master. A NeuLog Logger and NeuLog UVA and UVB sensors are required but not included.