Green Fuel Cell Lab Activity

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470221-558EA 133.5 CAD
Green Fuel Cell Lab Activity
Educational Materials Environmental Educational Materials Environmental Learning Activities
The Green Fuel Cell Lab Activity is a great introduction to green energy production.

  • Users Monitor the Voltage Generated by a Biological Fuel Cell
  • Ideal Introduction to Green Energy Production
  • Methylene Blue Works as an Electron Mediator
Create a biological fuel cell using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A simple sugar is used as a food source for the yeast, and methylene blue is employed as an electron mediator. The cell is constructed without the mediator, and a baseline voltage is established as some electrochemical activity occurs.

Once the cell has stabilized, the mediator is added, and the effect on voltage is monitored and recorded using a voltage sensor. A voltage sensor is required.

Ordering information: This kit includes dialysis tubing, glucose, yeast, methylene blue, potassium ferricyanide, phosphate buffer, red connecting wires, black connecting wires, electrodes, and filter paper. A voltage sensor is required but not included.