Ward's® Pure Preserved™ Starfish Dissection Kit

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470221-910EA 331.8 CAD
Ward's® Pure Preserved™ Starfish Dissection Kit
Specimens Preserved Specimens Preserved Animal Materials
Ward’s® PURE Preserved Specimens - the best dissection experience from start to finish.

  • Safest specimens
  • Low formalin odor
  • Best classroom experience
Ward's® PURE Preserved Specimens offer the best classroom experience because PURE Specimens are safe. Students stay focused on learning and not on smells. Experience quality with true-to-life preservation, combined with artfully illustrated dissection guides, free with every purchase, to maximize value, lesson time and student engagement.

We guarantee you’ve never experienced dissection like this before. Go Pure.

Ordering information: Due to an outbreak of sea star wasting disease on the natural population of star fish, supplies are currently limited. Future availability is currently unknown; however, we are working on restoring stock as the natural populations continue to grow.

Delivery information: Kit includes enough materials for 20 lab set ups (with students working in pairs).
Materials included are Pure Preserved Starfish (10), Disposable Dissection Trays (10), Specimen Bags (10), Starfish Dissection Guide (10) and Pins (1 Box).