Benchmark TC 9639 Thermal Cyclers

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T5000-384 T5000-96 T5000-A-IS
470107-136EA 13006.09 CAD
470107-136 470107-314 470107-352
Benchmark TC 9639 Thermal Cyclers
Thermal Cyclers
High quality thermal cyclers for laboratories with medium to high throughput needs.

  • Intuitive touchscreen control
  • Program wizard for quick, easy protocol entry
  • Multiblock version accommodates most sample sizes
  • 384 well block version available
  • Two year warranty
Designed for laboratories with medium to high throughput needs, Benchmark's Thermal Cyclers provide consistent, reliable results

A large, full color touch screen serves as the operations center where all functions are accessed. Starting at the “Home” screen, simply touch an icon to view the last run, enter the program library or use the program wizard to quickly enter a new protocol. In addition, icons for frequently used programs can be added for instant access.

The program wizard quickly and easily guides users through protocol set-up, all in a single screen. Once entered, programs are shown graphically, and can be edited by simply touching the step that requires modification. Time and temperature increments can be built into programs as well as slower ramp rates.

Storage capabilities are unlimited; programs can be stored in public folders, password protected folders or on a flash drive. The full virtual keyboard allows for alphanumeric naming of programs and folders.

The fully adjustable heated lid prevents condensation and evaporation of samples. Lid temperature can be programmed, and when the block temperature is below 35°C, the lid automatically shuts off. Heating and cooling of the block are precisely and accurately controlled within exceptionally tight tolerances by a proprietary algorithm that simulates sample temperature.

Ordering information: Two year warranty.