Science Take-Out® Lead An Element Of Danger

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STO-148 STO-148U STO-148R STO-148-NOTG
470224-174EA 33.65 CAD
470224-174 470224-176 470224-178 470224-175
Science Take-Out® Lead An Element Of Danger
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Physiology and Health Learning Activities
Follow The Case Of A Young Child With Lead Poisoning

  • Available as a single kit with materials for 1 student or group
  • Unassembled 10 pack for additional savings
  • No additional equipment needed
This complete experiment setup contains all necessary materials and does not require lab equipment. Students will conduct simulated blood tests to determine the child’s blood lead level. They then test samples of dust,
water, soil, and pottery from the child’s home to determine the source of lead. Finally they interpret readings to plan remediation to reduce lead exposure.