3B Scientific® Catheterization Trainers

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1020231 1020232 1020842 1023009 1020234 1020233
470224-970EA 1224.1 CAD
470224-970 470224-972 470224-974 470224-976 470224-978 470224-980 470224-982 470224-984
3B Scientific® Catheterization Trainers
Models Human Biology Models
Each of these simulators is incredibly accurate and flexible.

  • Available in Basic and Pro Models
  • Adjustable Difficulty Including Needs for Suprapubic Catheterization
  • Easy to Clean and Maintain
  • Magnetic Connection Allows for Rapid Change from Male to Female
Available as either a basic, on stand-only model or as a professional with a formed abdomen. Both contain transparent bladders that provide flow if catheterization is successful. Tissues are soft and pliable, so students to practice all aspects and positions necessary for proper catheterization including disinfection procedures. Magnetic mounting allow for rapid, easy changes from male to female inserts. Male inserts have three different levels of urethral narrowing with the smallest setting requiring suprapubic catheterization. The Professional level simulators also contain a suprapubic catheter for practice with cleaning and care.

The Basic Simulators include a bottle, tube connectors, a transparent bladder, and one genital insert. The Professional Simulators include a lower abdominal model, bottle, tube connectors, bottle stand, transparent bladder, one genital set, and a carry case. The Combo sets include all of the materials of either the basic or Professional set, and an additional genital insert.