Animal Identification: Catch a Predator

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470225-422EA 294.2 CAD
470225-422 470225-424
Animal Identification: Catch a Predator
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials PCR Learning Activities
Your students are asked to identify the unknown predator that is killing calves on a nearby ranch.

  • Easy to follow protocols with setup and step-by-step guidance
  • Procedures contain questions allowing better assessment for understanding
  • Allows real life application of common scientific techniques
  • No animal or human body fluids are handled in these experiments
A rancher found hair left behind by a suspect predator. Your studetns are asked to identify the animal responsible by comparing the extracted DNA to that of three known standard samples.

Kit I: Allows students to perform a restriction digest of four DNA samples and compare their sizes via Agarose Gel Electrophoresis.

Kit II: Allows students to amplify four DNA samples via Polymerase Chane Reaction (PCR) and observe visible bands via Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. Master mix (including primers and enzyme) and DNA ladder included.

The kit includes four samples of DNA (plasmids). One representing the DNA of an unknown predator, and three representing known standards for comparison.

Ordering information: Equipment needed but not included: Heat block/water bath for restriction. Thermal cycler for PCR, microcentrifuge; vortex for sample preparation. Electrophoresis equipment/reagents including transilluminator/light box for analysis. Kits come with directions to download instructional material and procedures.

Delivery information: Kits include perishable materials, please provide a delivery date at check-out.

Packaging: Kits contain reagents only.