BoneClones® Goliath Frog Skeleton

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470029-276EA 1230.85 CAD
BoneClones® Goliath Frog Skeleton
Models Zoology Models
A Gigantic Frog Skeleton!

  • Super sized skeleton is great as a reference for anatomy
  • High quality casting from a real skeleton
From West Africa's cascading mountain streams, the goliath frog is the largest frog in the world. This frog species, weighing up to 7 pounds, with a body length of 12 1/2 inches (measuring over 3 feet from nose to toe) has a ten foot leap. This particular individual is reported to be of record size. The eggs and tadpoles of this giant species are of comparable size to those of other species; however, the goliath frog's tadpoles are said to grow faster than any other amphibian for 30 days in the middle of their metamorphosis.