Bell Demonstration Model

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470230-438EA 69.6 CAD
Bell Demonstration Model
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Electricity/Magnetism Learning Activities
Displays basic principles of electromagnetism.

  • This labs electromagnet bell shows the basic principles of electromagnetism.
  • To activate the bell, there is a push button to complete the circuit.
  • All components are visible along with wiring so students can understand the operation of this model.
  • All pieces are made of rigid materials which are mounted on a metal plate which is attached to a 8" x 4" wooden base
  • Power supply is required, but sold separately
This Labs electromagnet bell shows the basic principles of electromagnetism. The model is equipped with two 4 mm banana plugs outlets for a external power supply to operate this demonstration. To activate the bell, there is a push button to complete the circuit. All components are visible along with wiring so students can understand the operation of this model. All pieces are made of rigid materials which are mounted on a metal plate which is attached to a 8" x 4" wooden base. This stands approx. 11" Tall.

Ordering information: Power supply is not included.