Backyard Brains® Muscle Spikershield Pro

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470231-876KT 790.8 CAD
Backyard Brains® Muscle Spikershield Pro
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Physiology Learning Activities
Take Your Diy Biohacker Projects To The Next Level!

  • Six independent inputs
  • Can be used to visualize action potentials, or control external devices
  • Students write code for the controls
  • Arduino board not included, please see ordering information
The Muscle SpikerShield Pro is designed for those who have experience with Arduinos and the original Muscle SpikerShield and are looking to perform advanced neuroscience experiments. It's powerful, but that doesn't mean it needs to be hard to use! The Muscle SpikerShield Pro is as easy to use as all of the kits. Pair the shield with an Arduino Uno and then connect via USB to your computer. Then pair your Muscle SpikerShield Pro to the Spike Recorder app to record EMG signals from up to six different muscles. Write your own Arduino code and take advantage of the envelope and output pins to begin creating programs or electrical devices which you control with your muscles!

The Muscle SpikerShield Pro is ideal for advanced high-schoolers, college students, researchers, and professionals who want to develop robotics with human inputs. It is also a great start for those beginning muscle or sports physiology experiments! With your creativity, what will you invent?

Ordering information: Requires an Arduino Uno or Arduino Leonardo. We recommend you purchase and experiment with The Muscle SpikerShield first, which includes an Arduino. Then, you'll be ready for the upgrade.