Science Take-Out® Developing A New Flu Prevention Drug

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470311-330EA 239.05 CAD
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Science Take-Out® Developing A New Flu Prevention Drug
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Physiology and Health Learning Activities
How are new drugs tested?

  • Available as a single kit with material for one student or group
  • Unassembled ten pack for additional savings
  • No additional materials necessary
Development of new drugs involves clinical trials-scientific experiments used to determine if a drug is both safe and effective. Over the course of 3 to 4 classes, students will: Conduct simulated laboratory tests and analyze data to determine if a new flu prevention drug is safe and effective. Learn about the clinical trials process and clinical research.

Caution: Choking hazard. This science take-out kit contains small parts. Do not allow children under the age of seven to have access to any kit component.