OperativeExperience® C-Celia- Cesarean Skills Trainer

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1021394 1021393 1021396 1021403 1021392
470311-808EA 1216.49 CAD
470311-808 470311-802 470311-810 470311-806 470311-804
OperativeExperience® C-Celia- Cesarean Skills Trainer
Extremely realistic soft body simulator.

  • Soft body construction
  • Life-like 'hands-in' experience
  • Practice C-section tissue repair and suturing techniques
  • True-to-life soft tissue for realistic hands-in-the-body training experience
Extremely realistic obstetric simulator to train incisions for Cesarean deliveries. The material is very durable and easy to clean, while offering the trainee a life-like training experience (no hard plastics).

Cesarean sections are the most commonly performed surgical interventions in obstetrics. The training of incision and tissue repair techniques is an important factor in reducing operating time, blood loss and the risk of infection.

Cesarean incision training for full transverse (Pfannenstiel incision) or vertical emergency C-section (running from the umbilicus to the symphysis pubis). Realistic anatomy to perform Cesarean section with incisions through abdominal wall, muscle, fascia, linea alba, uterus and amniotic sack.

Delivery information: Each simulator comes with a pregnant abdomen insert with uterus for incision training and a flaccid abdomen insert with an empty uterus for tissue repair und suture training.