OperativeExperience® C-Celia Cesarean Delivery Simulator

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470311-800EA 24656.39 CAD
OperativeExperience® C-Celia Cesarean Delivery Simulator
Extremely realistic soft body simulator.

  • Soft bodied construction
  • Includes macrosomic baby and twin babies
Each simulator supports multiple difficult Cesarean deliveries with realistic incisions and amniotic fluid. With the C-Celia – Emergency C-Section Delivery Simulator, you can teach and train the complete scenario from the first incision to fetal extraction and afterbirth all the way to uterus repair and closing of the abdominal skin. The material used in the simulator gives the trainee a life-like experience (no hard plastics), is very durable and easy to clean.

Pregnant abdomen simulator enables full transverse (Pfannenstiel incision) or vertical emergency C-section (running from the umbilicus to the symphysis pubis). Perform Cesarean section with incisions through abdominal wall, muscle, fascia, linea alba, uterus and amniotic sack. Train emergency fetal extraction and clinical protocol procedures. Practice C-section tissue repair and suturing techniques with life-like soft tissue. Realistic anatomy enables hands-in-the-body simulation. Difficult fetal presentations can be manually positioned by the instructor to simulate the fetal extraction scenario that needs to be trained by the obstetricians and the medical team. Once the need for a C-section has been established, the medical team needs to work together fast and seamlessly. With realistic obstetric simulation, the team can practice medical procedures and clinical protocols for emergency C-sections, and learn how to work together effectively.