Fischertechnik Education STEM PREP 2.0 - Physics, Robotics, Energy, and Power

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Fischertechnik Education STEM PREP 2.0 - Physics, Robotics, Energy, and Power
Project based learning with a focus on STEM standards.

  • Construct up to 118 Models
  • 2260 fischertechnik parts and components
  • Downloadable materials available on fischertechnik E-learning portal
The new Fischertechnik education STEM PREP 2.0 set enables students to understand and explore many essential aspects of technology, with a focus on physics, robotics, energy, and power. It includes parts, along with step-by-step pictorial instructions for building each of the models found in the following nine fischertechnik sets: drive systems, oeco energy, pneumatics, mechanics, physics I, physics II, electronics, optics and light, robotics: BT beginner. Project-based learning with fischertechnik Education supports a meaningful exploration of STEM concepts that integrates cross-curricular curriculum. Students are asked to document their construction process in various ways during the lesson. In doing so, they complete a cross-curricular examination of the topic that ties into subjects like language arts, drawing, science, math and many more.

Follow a series of step-by-step instructions for delving into various STEM topics, including: simple machines, mechanical systems, statics, forces, pneumatics, potential and kinetic energy, energy preservation, conversion and storage of energy, electronics, optics, digital communication, and programming simple robots. The set encourages students to explore the key aspects of technology through a collection of hands-on activities. These projects are designed to help students understand the relationship between the subjects they study.

Packaging: All contents are packed in a convenient and sturdy plastic Gratnells storage box.