Blue Phantom® TTE and Peri cardiocentesis Ultrasound Trainer

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Blue Phantom®
BPP-020 BPP-022
470327-446EA 44567.09 CAD
470327-446 470327-460
Blue Phantom® TTE and Peri cardiocentesis Ultrasound Trainer
Models Human Biology Models
Extremely realistic imaging characteristics.

  • Acoustic characteristics of real human tissue
  • Feels and cannulates like real human tissue
  • Life size ultrasound training model
  • Heart contains accurate anatomy
  • Usable from all appropriate imaging positions
  • Excellent for 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D training
  • Extremely durable
Excellent for training clinicians in the techniques associated with transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), and ultrasound guided pericardiocentesis procedural training. Blue Phantom®’s cardiac echo ultrasound training platform allows users to develop and practice ultrasound imaging skills as transthoracic echocardiography and ultrasound guided pericardiocentesis.

These skills include; using ultrasound system controls, transducer placement, positioning and movement, applying proper transducer pressure to obtain images, recognition of the cardiac structures, lung and rib artifacts and other anatomical structures and guiding needles and catheters to the pericardial space for pericardiocentesis training. Offers an extremely realistic imaging training platform as you utilize your own ultrasound system for simulation training. Self-healing simulated tissue allows for repeated procedural training without fluid leakage.

This extremely realistic life size ultrasound simulation training model extends from the neck to the mid thigh. This simulation trainer will perform well using any ultrasound imaging system configured with the appropriate transducer for echocardiography imaging procedures. The uncompromising quality allows clinicians to utilize the model and repeatedly practice the procedure without the high costs of replacing disposable parts.

Users can expect extreme durability with the simulated tissue able to perform well for thousands of procedures. This ultrasound simulation model is excellent for cardiology, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, ultrasound training programs, simulation centers, surgical skills centers, medical education facilities, and ultrasound manufacturers for ultrasound education and demonstrations.

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