Peripheral Intravenous (IV) Catheterization Hand, CAE Medicor

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IV-M-001-M IV-M-001-N IV-M-001-B
470336-958EA 447.95 CAD
470336-958 470336-960 470336-956
Peripheral Intravenous (IV) Catheterization Hand, CAE Medicor
Models Human Biology Models
Easily practice small vein phlebotomy.

  • Available In three skin tones
  • Mold resistant
  • Self healing skin to 22G
Made entirely of proprietary MedicSkin, this lifelike hand provides students with a realistic experience for practicing peripheral IV insertion and phlebotomy procedures in the small veins of the hand. Students can practice on the dorsal, basilic, or cephalic veins. Track marks heal quickly, allowing students to practice repeatedly.

Ordering information: Skin and veins are not replaceable.